WRITING@UW Fellowship
Writing@UW oversees policy, practice, and pedagogy related to UW's Composition (C) and Additional Writing (W) requirements at UW. It centers linguistic justice in its various programs, particularly in the Writing@UW Faculty Fellowship Program, which invites faculty from across campus to enrich their writing instruction. As part of the program, participants discuss how to best communicate learning goals to students; how to teach writing as a rhetorical, contextual process; and how to leverage criticality, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the classroom. Fellows design, implement, and receive feedback on a project to incorporate into their W courses. The sessions offer robust and thought-provoking conversations that happen when you put instructors from different disciplines in the room. Disciplines represented in the first two cohorts of the Fellowship include: Anthropology; Astronomy; Communication; English; Environmental Studies; Geography; Law, Societies, and Justice; Mechanical Engineering; Middle Eastern Language and Culture; Music History; Nursing; and Scandinavian Studies.